For more fangames, subscribe to this channel! most of these objects were suggested by some people on smwc and some of them made models for this aswell. for more information: Download patch 3(requires the other 2 patches): Checkpoint flag ModelID:2E BehaviorID: D50 Bparam2: 0 for regular flag, 1 for reset flag Place the reset flag to reset the flag status when its getting touched. _______________________________________________________ Moving&rotating block ModelID: 2D BehaviorID: D24 Bparam1: 0 for blue, 1 for red Bparam2: Path ID (0,1 and 2 are predefined. If you want to add new paths, go to 0x7E4200. Every path is 0x20 Bytes. Path formatting: 0: zspeed+ 1: zspeed- 2: xspeed+ 3: xspeed- 4: back to beginning _______________________________________________________ Flipswitch panel ModelID: 2A BehaviorID: 5D8 _______________________________________________________ Flipswitch panel starspawner ModelID: 0 BehaviorID: 2A0 Boaram1: Star number _______________________________________________________ Green switchboard ModelID: 2B BehaviorID: CFC Bparam1: Maximum distance into direction1 Bparam2: Maximum distance into direction2 _______________________________________________________ Flipswap platform ModelID: 2F BehaviorID: 278 _______________________________________________________ codes and notes for this: